Die AMA-Blockflötenschule
The first volume wants to inspire children and their parents for music and the recorder. The special possibilities of the soprano recorder offer ideal conditions for making music together.
The more quality this initial instruction achieves, the more "beautifully" the child makes music. The possible transfer to other instruments is also much less complicated.
By the way: Tracks 2 and 3 on the CD provide information on what the recorder has to offer in terms of versatility. You will be surprised!
The recorder school is structured systematically. Intensive study of the content from page 7 to page 25 and the two finger exercises on pages 29 to 30 (seesaw exercise and ant exercise) create important prerequisites for further work with this method. Because the aim is to increasingly combine quality and fun with the child's abilities and desires.
With the help of the CD, the student can also understand the sound worked out in class at home, play it himself and train his rhythmic and melodic ear.
The arrangement of the pieces is a reflection of the different musical styles in everyday life and facilitates a thorough examination of the music. Challenges and difficulties are quickly apparent when practicing and want to be overcome!
German and international children's and fun songs support the natural handling of the instrument and the notes.
The last pieces on the CD are baroque melodies suitable for children, once the melody sounds in the foreground and once in the Background.
Benutzung der CD - Stimmton a
Begrüßung und Einführung
Haltung - Blockflöte
- Hände und Finger
- Lippen
Fühlen der Grifflöcher
Bewegen der Finger
Fühlen der Zungenspitze
Spüren des Windes (Atmen)
Pflege des Instruments
Vorbereitung auf den ersten Ton
1. Ton h1
1. Lied
Theorie: Zeichensprache der Musiker
3 Lieder mit h1
Grifftraining: Ameise und Wippe
2. Ton a1
4 Lieder mit a1, Lied mit a1 und h1
3. Ton g1
11 Lieder mit g1, a1 und h1
Theorie: Takt und Betonung
4. Ton c2
4 Lieder
Grifftraining rechte Hand
5. Ton e1
4 Lieder
1 Lied mit Auftakt
Blinde Kuh
6. Ton d2
4 Lieder
Notenlesetips, Tonleitersprünge
10 Fünftonlieder, Haltebogen, punktierte halbe Note
7. Ton f1
3 Lieder
8. Ton d1
3 Lieder
9. Ton c1
4 Lieder
Theorie: Wiederholung
Vorzeichen # zu f1, b zu h1
8 Vorzeichenlieder
Theorie: Wiederholung der Vorzeichen
19 Lieder und 5 Werke alter Meister
Merkblatt zum Herausnehmen